January 1998: Page 1, 2, 3, 4

Ramadan 1418

Volume 14 No 1

In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Submitters Perspective

Monthly Bulletin of the International Community of Submitters Published by Masjid Tucson



They remember God while standing, sitting, and on their sides,
and they reflect upon the creation of the heavens and the earth:
“Our Lord, You did not create all this in vain. Be You glorified.
Save us from the retribution of Hell.” (3:191)

Ramadan is the month during which the Quran was revealed, providing guidance for the people, clear teachings, and the statute book. Those of you who witness this month shall fast therein. Those who are ill or traveling may substitute the same number of other days. God wishes for you convenience, not hardship, that you may fulfill your obligations, and to glorify God for guiding you, and to express your appreciation. (2:185)

God created us and knows our every wish, desire, and need. Our most basic needs are food and water. In addition to the physical benefits of fueling our bodies, we derive a great deal of satisfaction from a full stomach and a well-quenched thirst, no matter what the climate. And food and drink are at the center of the human being’s celebrations.

It is not new for God to use food or water to get our attention. “Eat from the good things we provided for you” (2:57). At the birth of Jesus, Mary was

told, “Eat and drink and be happy....” (19:26) All provisions are signs from God of His absolute authority, and His unending mercy towards human beings. Celebrate the wonder of God.
God knows how to get our attention. He knows that the distractions of our daily lives frequently keep us from remembering Him “while standing, sitting, or lying on our sides.” We strive to do our best as we go through our days with the realization that all provisions are given by God alone, and that all creatures are provided for. What peace to know this, without doubt. And how easily we take it for granted!

God has tested the human being with food and drink frequently, and He relates these tests that we might learn to be more appreciative, more aware of the true nature of our temporary world. For example, the majority of Saul’s troops failed to pass the test at the stream, but for those that were steadfast, patient, and obedient, the reward was victory (2:249).

We will surely test you through some fear, hunger, and loss of money, lives, and crops. Give good news to the steadfast. When an affliction befalls them, they say, “We belong to God, and to Him we are returning.” (2:155-156)

Recall that you said, “O Moses, we can no longer tolerate one kind of food. Call upon your Lord to produce for us such earthly crops as beans, cucumbers, garlic, lentils, and onions.” He said, “Do you wish to substitute that which is inferior for that which is good?... (2:61)

Remind them of the community by the sea, who desecrated the Sabbath. When they observed the Sabbath, the fish came to them abundantly. And when they violated the Sabbath, the fish did not come. We thus afflicted them, as a consequence of their transgression. (7:163)

Continued on page 2

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