God Willing Annual Conference United Submitters August 4-6, 2006 Tucson, Arizona The conference registration form and the hotel information were mailed out with May newsletter for the majority of the readers. If the registration form was missing, or you need additional forms, you can get it on line. God will-ing we have set up a web page on the internet to circulate the conference information at www.masjidtucson.org/conference/ Remember that this is a great opportunity to be with Submitters from all around the world. God willing, please do not wait till the last minute to make travel arrangements, and start making your plans to meet the family of submitters. Send in your registration forms as soon as possible, even if you are planning to pay the registration fee at the door. If we do not have enough people signed up by July 12 deadline given by the hotel, we will have to cancel part of the meeting room. Note: The conference starts at 10am with registration on Friday Aug 4, ends at noon Sunday Aug 6. God willing we are looking forward to see you all there, and to have a wonderful and rewarding conference. Fourth International Quranic Essay Contest Submission.org, a non profit organization, is pleased to announce its 4th International Quranic Essay Contest for the youth group ages 12-19. The youth will be divided into two groups, ages 12-15 and 16-19. Prizes: $900.00 (US dollars) will be given away in prizes for the top winners. Three winners will be picked from each age group and the winners will be rewarded as follows: Ages 12-15: 1st place winner - $200, 2nd place winner - $150 and 3rd place winner - $100 Ages 16-19: 1st place winner - $200, 2nd place winner - $150 and 3rd place winner - $100 The essay must be written in English, and must consist of 500-800 words for the age group 12-15 and 800-1000 words for the age group 16-19. The verses of the Quran will not be counted in the word count, so you can use as many verses as you like. To check more on the rules of the contest, and for the official entry form, please see the web page www.submission.org/quran/contest.html. Essays must be sent to info@submission.org by July 15, 2006. God bless. HISLAM Corrupt Religion and the Search for Spiritual Peace Douglass Brown, Ph.D. ISBN 0971481350 $15.95 includes shipping (Save: buy two copies for $25) Now available! Hot off the press! God willing you can order your personal copy directly from ICS/Masjid Tucson at www.masjidtucson.org/publications/catalog/index.html. You can pay by check or credit card. Hislam order is also possible through amazon.com. We encourage you to post your reviews of the book. Note that, God willing, Hislam will be available to the conference participants at a special discounted rate. ICS/Masjid Tucson PO Box 43476 Tucson, AZ 85733 |