Blessing in DisguiseCont’d from page 1 It’s amazing that you don’t notice so many things while you’re healthy until you get sick. Since my illness, I notice when I can breathe normally, walk around, and have an appetite. I thank God for the rare times when I am able to shop at the mall or ride a bike. Thank God I am here to remind all of you that you should appreciate every aspect and every single moment of your life. [67:23] Say, “He is the One who initiated you, and granted you the hearing, the eyes, and the brains. Rarely are you appreciative.” [14:34] And He gives you all kinds of things that you implore Him for. If you count GOD’s blessings, you can never encompass them. Indeed, the human being is transgressing, unappreciative. As a human being, I sometimes find myself having negative thoughts, wondering, and questioning. I ask myself why I have to go through this difficult test, and I find the answer in Sura 6, verse 42. [6:42] We have sent (messengers) to communities before you, | and we put them to the test through adversity and hardship, that they may implore. I implore God to guide me through this test and help me to remain steadfast. I ask God to heal me and remove my adversity. In the Quran, God gives the example of Job. [21:83-84] And Job implored his Lord: “Adversity has befallen me, and, of all the merciful ones, You are the Most Merciful.” We responded to him, relieved his adversity, and restored his family for him, even twice as much. That was a mercy from us, and a reminder for the worshipers. [2:214] Do you expect to enter Paradise without being tested like those before you? They were tested with hardship and adversity, and were shaken up, until the messenger and those who believed with him said, “Where is GOD’s victory?” GOD’s victory is near. |
THANK YOU for your article in Aug 2006 "What is Islam?" I was a Christian Missionary, and to make a long story short, I converted in Dec 2005. I am now back in the states. It has not been easy, and some things I have read, made me question my choice. But after reading the article, it reaffirmed my faith, and why I chose to be a Muslim in a conservative family. Thank you again so very much. You have brought back my hope.
Asalamu 'Alaykum, Thank you very much for your help. For so long I had been trying to seek the reality of Islam and tried to make sense out of things that confused me. Also, I had been thinking from long ago that the Hadith was unacceptable, but I had many doubts on this issue that were caused by the heavy influence carried by the traditional Muslims. When I analyzed your website I was very well convinced that it was the Truth. Masha'Allah, every statement that I have read so far is so defendable that I was unable to argue against them. It is indeed the Truth, and the Truth has made me feel very happy alhamdulilah (Praise God)! May all of you succeed in this mission to spread the Truth insha'Allah (God willing), and may Allah reward you! |